
All the tools you'll need to succeed.

Unparalleled sales support.

Sales are really about relationships. With custom printed mascot blankets community members, families and alumni identify with your product and participate because of their relationships with their schools and community. Your Spirit Wrap order marks the beginning of a relationship that supports you with individual attention. Our representatives provide the tools to help you succeed; it's like adding our team to your staff. Whether you need ideas on how to sell your Spirit Wraps, or want to discuss ways to more effectively to promote your message virally, we're here to help.

A company that works with you after the sale. Imagine that.

Contact our sales team >

Unparalleled sales support.
Unparalleled sales support.
Sales at the speed of social media.

Sales at the speed of social media.

We've developed a full suite of powerful social tools powered by Group Rate It that leverage the speed of social media. Group Rate It is the easiest and most effective way to turn your sales force of 'you' in to hundreds by engaging your prospective customers in a real-time environment. WIth our dynamic-yet-effortless system, you'll command the power of student-driven social media, right at your fingertips. Why do all of the work yourself? Eliminate the pain, and spread the word at the speed of social media.

Sales at the speed of social media.

Customers anywhere, anytime.

Opportunities develop in real-time, not just during business hours. With our incredible sales and marketing tools powered by Group Rate It, your customers can buy their Spirit Wraps 24/7/365. You already have enough to do; leverage the expertise of our specialists, marketing tools and years of experience to help you reach alumni, students and community members anywhere, anytime.

Customers anywhere, anytime.
Customers anywhere, anytime.
The power of community.

The power of community.

The foundation of any social platform is community. But Facebook likes and Twitter impressions aren't enough; your customers need the ability to interact, share, purchase and build your campaign for you in real-time. Mobilize your entire community with our state-of-the-art sales and marketing tools, now powered by Group Rate It.

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