Issues in sports that have been in the news are beginning to shine a spotlight on athletic programs in schools and communities around the country. Many of these programs have begun a comprehensive examination of their policies both on and off the field to determine where areas of risk and liability may be in question. These risks may be in areas of safety, conduct toward others or actions performed during play.
Injury Management
High school coaches must maintain vigilance with any injury occurring on the field. In particular, concerns about minor concussions and head injuries have become a serious concern among parents and health professionals. Providing the best equipment can be helpful in minimizing the risk of injury and liability to the athletic program. Coaches must also pay close attention to playing in high-risk weather, such as in temperatures over 90 degrees or when lightning can put players at risk.
Physical Abuse and Bullying
High school coaches must also stay alert to signs that athletes are engaging in physical abuse of others or bullying activities that include other team members or the general school population. Athletes are often larger in size than other students and may exhibit signs of aggression due to their competitive spirit. Coaches must teach their athletes to maintain control of themselves in all types of situations. This self-control should also be maintained in regard to bullying others, which can put the athletic program at risk for litigation and loss of funding. The team booster club and parent teacher association can be instrumental in helping to help reinforce the anti-bullying message to the entire school population to help reduce bullying behavior.
Sexual Assault
High school athletes enjoy high visibility in social settings, and this fact often sets them up for situations where sexual assault charges can occur. High school coaches can help to instill high expectations for good behavior in all social situations, as a reflection on the athlete himself, as well as a reflection on the team. Any accusations should be turned over to the authorities to investigate, as necessary, instead of trying to handle the situation within the school and team juridiction. Prompt action can help to reduce risk and liability to the athletic program.
Gender Equality
Another issue that can cause conflict and litigation in athletic departments is the issue of gender equality and Title IX funding. Title IX was implemented 40 years ago to ensure gender equality in funding of girls’ athletic programs. Although it does not necessitate that the sports be equivalent, the overall opportunities for both genders must be equal. Coaches at all levels should familiarize themselves with the requirements of the law to ensure that they understand the possible liabilities that athletic programs can incur if they fail to comply with the law.