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Coaching Dilemma: Balancing Grades with Winning Games?

Balancing Grades with Winning Games

High school coaches do not have an easy job. Whatever the sport, there are many variables that contribute to a successful athletic endeavor, and coaches have to juggle all of them. Most coaches bring a strategy into each game so the team’s actions are efficient and focused. However, a single misstep can blow that plan to bits in an instant, requiring a complete reevaluation and immediate action.

It does not stop there, though. Coaches also have to keep their players’ best interests in mind when the game is over. High school athletes are not just competing for victory in athletics—they are preparing for the rest of their lives. This means that academic performance is of the utmost importance, and coaches are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that lagging grades don’t keep their valued team members off the field.

For the typical high school student, a long day of classes and homework can be a challenge. Adding a full athletic schedule to the mix engenders even more difficulty, and many student athletes find themselves barely keeping up as they juggle the demands of classes, practice and game days. Many young people are offered college scholarships for their athletic talent, which makes for fantastic long-term opportunities—but some of them need a little help in getting through their jam-packed schedules to make this possible.

There are solutions to this dilemma that can help athletes and coaches get the job done. A booster club often generates much-needed financial support for athletic programs. Why should it stop there? Booster club members can easily work with coaches and school faculty to implement student-tutoring programs for their team. Extracurricular activities are a plus for any college applicant, and exemplary students can pave their way to a university education by tutoring struggling athletes.

A parent-teacher association is another valuable asset. Hectic days can make it difficult for teachers to notice the specific needs of every student. Parents can petition teachers to consider their children’s full schedules by giving them the occasional extra day to finish an assignment or by scheduling before-school and lunchtime study sessions.

Coaches and athletes should be praised for balancing winning seasons with the rigors of academia, and those who are invested in their success can see big returns from investing a little extra effort to help their team thrive in the athletic arena and in the classroom.


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